Sunday, December 10, 2017

Week 64: Climbing Hills

Sep 11, 2017

I love you all and I hope you are safe and happy and praying for those who are not.
 This week consisted in climbing up giant hills to teach a woman named Carmen who is just as shiny as a brand new penny. She doesnt have running water, her husband is an alcoholic and she recently lost a baby. In the few precious minutes that we were able to spend with her, it was so clear to me how the gospel of Jesus Christ fixes all kinds of problems and lifts all kinds of people. We also taught Jose Miguel who is 21 and hasnt prayed since he was 13. He doesnt know if God exists or not but he said the closing prayer when we taught him on a park bench!! Ofelia. She is a retired teacher and very catholic. So cute. She recited poetry for us and sent me home with 3 little oranges. Also, the Ponce family. They have a three year old son and while my companion beautifully explained the Book of Mormon to them, Anderson (age 3) climbed on top of my head, tried to rip my earring out and almost kicked me. I love being a missionary. The days go by so so fast. Our cell phone died a painful death and we have been cell-phone less lately. The cool thing about Perú is that there are tons of public telephones so we have been using those lately. Not super effective but pretty hilarious when people are like "Ill call you back!" hahaha. Also, a dog peed on my foot while we were teaching an investigator in the doorway. It was actually a blessing because then Hermana Sandra invited us in (I think because she felt bad) And she opened up a lot to us. This week I have been reading in 2 Nephi. SO GOOD and I read this verse 25:23
For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do. I really like this verse because it reminds me of all the emails, letters and journal entries that I write. Hopefully someday, the people that I love the most will be able to read this things and know that my testimony is firmer than buns of steel!! haha. I love this gospel that brings us so much joy and peace. But we have to give it our all. Even if dogs pee on our feet. Sending my love your way and wishing the best to all my friends who are drowning in homework haha! ✌

Hermana Christensen

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