Sunday, December 10, 2017

Week 76: Final Interview

Ok, well. I have 20 minutes  left but like a lifetime of information to transmit to yall. Basically, things I have learned this week. 
1. I LOVE Christmas time. 
2. #iluminaelmundo (#lighttheworld)
3. The Book of Mormon is true. Obviously. 
5. if you fight with someone you have to talk to them. talk it out, cry it out and after, HUG. 

This week I had my final interview with President Johnson. I kept it together until he told me how much they are going to miss me and how much I am going to miss being a missionary in Peru. I totally started crying because I guess I hadnt realized how little time I had left. He gave me a talk that has 10 ways we can bring the "missionary spirit" home with us. He told me to keep praying frequently in the day. He even told me to pray to know how to approach cute guys at college. Hahaha so weird. It feels like Im having all these strange "end of mission" experiences randomly throughout the week but the rest of the days its just work work work. Susanna and Jose and their mom, Victoria are preparing for their baptism on the 16th. The ward is awesome. I am trying to bring the American culture of always having food at the activities here to Congata. Last night was the Christmas devotional and I was like "hermana Brenda, it would be so cute to have hot chocolate at the Christmas devotional" and she was like "yesss, good idea!" and called a bunch of people and it was a success. I think the attendance was tripled because they announced that there would be food. So, that was exciting. The members here are so cute and awesome. They always call me "hermana Christell" So funny. Also, some lady wants us to marry her son who is 44 and an investigator. I said "no, he is too old and we are basically nuns right now". I hope she got the point. 

Also, seriously. you Should all look up #LightTheWorld. I am trying to do all of the days with my companion and I hope that you guys can do it too. ON day 2, we carried water up a giant mountain of sand to a lady that doesnt have water. On day 1, we brought a muffin to a lady in the ward that helped us out. She almost cried. It was a "warm-fuzzy" moment. My companion and I high-fived like crazy people we were so happy. I LOVE christmas and I LOve it even more when we can serve others. So, get crackin, friends and family!!! LOVE YOU all and I dont know if I will be able to write next week. But, if I cant, I will be home before you know it. Love you and I hope this is good enough, mom ;) haha. 

Hermana Christensen

Week 75: Odaliz

Nov 27, 2017

hey kids! This week was crazy and good. Nataly and her daughter Odaliz got baptized on Saturday. Sunday was ward conference and tons of people came!! It was so fun. We have a family (a mom, her son and her daughter) that have a goal to get baptized in December. The daughter and the son always come to church but the mom has a store in her house and always always always works. We were super worried that she wasnt going to get to church so during one of the talks, my companion was like "lets run to her store to go get her" and I was like "uhhh I have to play the hymn in like 5 minutes" and she was like "please! lets go" so, we ran out of the room and when we left the building, who did we see walking in the front door?? Hermana Victoria. Happiest moment of my life. She was kind of sad but then the relief society president gave her one of the HUUUGE boquets of flowers from the conference. So cute. Also, this week was obviously thanksgiving. A family of members had invited us over to make pizza and all week I was super stoked but then thursday morning they canceled on us haha. So, I was kinda bummed and I was joking with Presidente Molero (husband of our pensionista) and I was like "at least a turkey haha" and Hermana Brenda overheard and we came up for lunch (the kitchen is above our room) She had made chicken with mashed potatoes and vegetables and she made apple pie!!! yes, I almost cried. I love these people. They are such gems. Honestly. 
Also, my companion was sick one morning so I read like infiinity chapters in my Book of Mormon! So good. I love the part in Helaman when Nefi is like a gypsy fortune teller and is like "you wanna know who killed the judge? I know. Go and look" SO GOOD. haha I have gained a testimony that God has a sense of humor. This week was a little rocky companionship-wise. I think its hard because I am so close to coming home and my companion still has so much left of her mission. I think we must have been stressed and tired because we got into a little fight one day and let me tell ya, silence is colder than snow. Luckily, we both realized that Spirit runs away faster than an olympian when there is contention. it was a good learning opportunity to talk things out with her. Being a grown up is hard sometimes. 
I am so so grateful that our Heavenly Father trusts in punk young adults to carry out this great work of salvation. I have learned so much and I still have so much to learn but I am grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ that helps us become better every day. I hope you all had a happy thanksgiving and that you remember to be grateful for your whole life!! all day, every day. Love and hugs!!

hermana Christensen

Week 74: Thanksgiving

hey hey hey!! 

I am sooo sorry that I havent written. I know, Im the worst. But, this week is thanksgiving so. be happy!! I already promised to write a really long letter this next week so hold your horses!!! this is just like a really lame preview email.  I am happy, I am safe and I am still eating rice, chicken and potatoe like a champ. Love you all ❤

hermana Christensen

Week 72: Talent Show

SO, this week we organized a talent show in the ward. It started 2 hours late and the ward mission leader told us that food wasnt necessary....(after we told the whole world that there would be free food) haha, so we were a little stressed and annoyed because he didnt buy anything and then a lady was like "I brought something" and she handed us a plastic bag and we went into the kitchen to see what it was. A glass bowl filled with little boiled potatoes and a tupperware of super strong and salty black olives (aceituna). It was a miracle!!!! I dont know how, but somehow everyone ate and there were even leftovers. God is good, yall! 

Also, love. It is so important to think about the emotions of other people. It was the birthday of our ward mission leader on Friday. Even though he is one of the most stubborn people I know and sometimes things are rough, we decided to buy him a slice of pound cake and stick a birthday candle in it and sing him "felz cumplaƱos". I am so glad that we went. I dont think anyone except his family had gone to visit him for his birthday (here is it is super offensive if you dont go to visit someone on their birthday...I dont know) He was happy and on Sunday, his wife told us that Hermano Martin (our mission leader) loves sweets and they hadnt been able to buy a cake this year. Also, all thats good comes around( I forget the phrase in english...but basically karma) They invited us to eat lunch on Sunday. I LOVE PERU. I love you guys so much and so awesome that Grandpa Neil met up with Angel and Rachel!!! some of my favorite people together!!! 

scriptures I liked this week:

Alma26: 22
Alma 28:14 
"Brighter and Brighter Until the Perfect Day"-General conference April 2017


Sister Madeline Christensen

Week 71: Grandma Baker

I was hoping that Grandma could hold out until I got home but I am glad that she is going to be with grandpa. I regret not having more time to get to know her. But I am so so glad for all the moments that I had to share with her. One thing I love about grandma Baker (and grandma idaho) is their grace and discipline. I love that Grandma baker always taught music and loves music. It is something that I appreciate a lot. I also love how kind and gracious she is. She always sent me a birthday card. Which means a lot considering how many grandchildren and great grandchildren she has. When I think of "the refiners fire", Grandma Baker is someone that has been purified and refined to almost perfection. She reflects all of the Christ-like attributes in her character and attitudes about life. I love grandma baker. 

On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 10:24 PM, Robert Christensen <> wrote:
Dearest Hermana Christensen,

This last Thursday Grandma Baker passed away.  I was a missionary when Grandpa Baker passed away.  So while we’ve been blessed by her for all of these years, she’s been without Grandpa for a long, long time.  I can only imagine what happiness and joy are occurring in heaven as they reunite.   She’s been an important and constant part of my life ever since I was a little kid.  Aren’t we blessed to know that God’s plan is not a plan of termination, but that it is a plan of exaltation and eternal life?

I wonder if you’d take a minute and share a sentence or two of your favorite memory or (more importantly) ways/observations of how Grandma lived the Gospel and/or inspired Christlike living?


The happy news is, of course, that you are actively honoring Grandma’s legacy as you strive to be an obedient full time representative of Christ.  Thank you for that.  Her funeral will be Nov 11.  I’ve been asked to speak for the grandchildren.  Pray for me that I’ll be able to share what needs to be communicated.  I’ve been feeling that the most important things are to simply testify that families are eternal and that consistent Gospel living beautifully leads to conversion.  A converted Latter day Saint, like Grandma, serves as an inspiration and buoy to all those around her.   Through Christ, you can be that inspiration and buoy to those around you.  You can help those in Peru become better converted and then they buoy those around them. What a magnificent chain reaction.  It is one of the ways that we participate in Moses 1:39 — God’s great plan to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.  Christ is the engine but we are often asked to be the vehicles to help and lift.  In short, keep up the good work.  This is the work that matters.

Week 70: hot water


Hey kids. 

I have like 4 minutes left but I just want to tell you that I love you, that the church of Jesus Christ is restored here on the earth, that Peru is such a cute country, that I love my companion and the people in this area, that I cannot believe how fast the time is going, and that the Book of Mormon is true. 

This week I have been studying about agency and it is sooo interesting. Who ever knew I could get so much revelation from Genesis 3. Seriously, enlightening. I am so grateful that our Heavenly Father lets us make our own choices. And every time we make a right choice, we become more like Jesus Christ. Honestly, I feel a little overwhelmed with how many blessings I have. I just love this place so much!! I love it when these little kids run up to hug me or a grandma offers me fresh juice, Or I get to contact a family in the park, or I get to give someone their very own copy of a Book of Mormon. I just feel so happy! Also, I probably want to be a clown when I grow up. One of the cool members in the ward is a clown and I feel inspired, I love making the pensionista laugh. She has a great "evil witch" laugh that she does to scare her kids. Classic. I love you all and I will try to write more the next week. love peace and gospel songs sent your way. 

Hermana Christensen

Week 69: Weaknesses, thrown in the face

Oct 16, 2017

Ok lovely citizens!! This last week, my wonderful and amazing mother sent me a bunch of scriptures in D&C. Little do you know, mom. All of the scriptures you sent me were answers to my prayers. Heavenly Father is so smart. He answers us in ways that are so unexpected but at the same time so personal and beautiful. This week all of the missionaries were going to talk in Sacrament Meeting but it was actually the primary program so I will just share with you guys what I was going to share.One of the coolest themes that I have found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is how Heavenly Father takes small or weak things and makes them strong and great. Some scriptures.:
1 nephi 16:28
1 Nephi16:29
D&C 64:33-34(so good)
Ether 12:27 

This week it seems like my weaknesses have been thrown in my face. Sad, but necessary. I am so grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ that polishes us right up and helps us be shinier. Also, quick story. This Saturday my companion and I fasted. We went out right after lunch and saw a family. Hermana Cabezas was like "lets contact them?" and I was like "for sure!" So we walked right over and started talking to them. We asked when we could visit and she said "tomorrow (sunday) at 9am". We looked at each other and then invited her and her two kids to church. And they came! and stayed all three hours! Such a miracle. Church attendance is something that worries me in this area but I know the Lord knows exactly where all of His children are. And He knows who is ready...NOW. I love this work and I am so grateful for Hermana Cabezas. She is a great missionary I love you all and I am grateful that you are all in my life. Hugs and loves!!! 

Hermana Christensen