Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week 40: Guacamole

holy guacamole!!! My pensionista thinks it's so funny everytime I ask if there's guacamole because they don't have it here...funny and sad. So much happened this week and my brain is short-circuiting just trying to think of everything. Sorry if it's a little frazzled.  

1. there was a HUGE parade on Saturday. The starting point was at the park right outside of our door so we had a lot of fun listening to all the drunk people and band music. It started at 2 in the afternoon and there was still people in line to march in the parade at 9 at night. Isn't that insane!!! such long parades. But it was super cool to see some cultural dances and costumes from Peru. I love this country. 
2. We put a baptismal date with Jackeline!!! For the 25 of march (Happy Birthday mom!!!) I don't know how we did it, it was all the Spirit. 
3. Marcia moved to Chile for 2 months to work...sad. 
4. I got sick a few times this week. I don't know what's happening but whatever
5. Peru is in a state of emergency or was....there is a lot of crazy weather and flooding going on. The President of Peru sent everyone a text message. But, the only place not affected by the weather is Tacna. How lucky. I know Heavenly Father is protecting the missionaries and watching over me and everyone else. Don't worry mom and dad!!
6. I am still working on the Book of Mormon. I don't think I am going to finish is by the end of March but I really want to. There is just not enough time in the day!!

Overally, it was another week of miracles and I am super grateful for Heavenly Father. He really has everything figured out; we just have to be obedient and diligent and have faith. I love you guys so much and I miss you all!!! 

Photos: the MOST sister missionary outfit ever haha, lots of drunk neighbors, 


Sister Madeline Christensen

Week 39: Goals and Sabbath Day

Wow! One hour of emailing goes by SOOOO fast. Anyways, it was a great week. I finally finished the Book of Mormon for the first time in Spanish. I was at the very end and the zone leaders texted us (on wednesday?) and asked the whole zone to read the Book of Mormon cover to cover by the end of March. So, I hurried and finished and then started over the next day. I am going to have to read more than 30 pages everyday to finish it by the end of March but what a fun challenge! The Book of Mormon is super true, just in case you didn't know. There are so many answers and like Luci (a recent convert said) "This book is magic" So I would invite all of you to read it, every day. And not just read it but ponder it and apply to your lives. So good. 

The goal for the mission is three baptisms for the month of March( and everyone needs to attend church 3 times and there are only three sundays left in march) We are teaching Marcia and her mom, Teofila. They sell juice in the mercadillo. On Friday, we taught them. My companion invited them to church and they said "no. we have to work to pay the bank." I felt so strongly to share my testimony of the importance of the Sabbath day and of going to church. I also knew, that if they went to church, they would be blessed so much and be able to make it work on the financial end of things. I promised them that they would be blessed and we extended the invitation again. They ended up not coming to church but I am grateful for what I learned. My own testimony of church attendance was strengthened by the Holy Ghost. 

We have been working with our investigators all week to try and get them to church and on Saturday we were really stressed; trying to make sure everyone knew and stopping by to invite everyone we could think of. We ran into Luci and she invited us over. We were kind of hesitant because we were feeling really rushed and we had a lot of people to visit. But we went in to her house to talk with her for a while. She recently moved here from Arequipa and as we talked to her a little bit, she opened up and poured out a lot of heavy things that are going on in her life. She said "is it true that after baptism we still have a lot of trials?" I told her "yes" It was so painful for me to see her, a faithful recent convert, struggling with so many things and feeling so broken inside.It made me cry. We shared D&C 18:10 "remember that the worth of souls is great in the sight of God"with her. None of our investigators came to church on Sunday but it's ok. I think that Jesus wouldn't have been worried about numbers for the week; he would have talked to Luci and tried to comfort her. I love Luci and I love our investigators that sell juice and I love everyone. I have been here so long that I have a bunch of friends 'around the neighborhood" The local drunk guys walked past the other day and he was like "hey sister! you should convert my friend!" and I was like "haha ok!" so funny. I love you all and thanks for the prayers and emails. 


Hermana Christensen

Photos: us being sassy,  a giant plate of chicken, rice and a "salad" made out of potatotes haha, the sunset after rain (IT RAINED FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! that I have seen on my mission) 

Week 38: a short letter

No group email this week.  Time is up I am just waiting for my companion. I wanted to respond to everyone plus I had an email from Nanny and nothing big happened this week....[except] a member invited me over on Monday for a birthday lunch. It is fried chicken with potatotes. AND she served us a huge bowl of soup wonder I am getting chubby. haha I eat like this almost every day :'( also, maybe the ice cream dates with my companion hhaha

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week 37: A Grand Mission; Birthday

Wowie wow! What a big week. I dont have a lot of time left but I wanted to let you all know what went down in the grand mission of Peru, Arequipa this week. 
  • We went to teach Hermano Miguel. He is deaf and mostly blind and can't talk because he has problems with his throat. We teach him by writing on a whiteboard in big letters. He is just the cutest. We were going to baptize him but we are not sure how much he actually is getting. Better in the Spirit World!! Anyways, we found out that he is 103 years old. He was born in 1912!!! isn't that just the craziest thing. And he doesn't even use a cane and still has some of his teeth. He always brightens our day and the Spirit it always so strong when we teach him. What a special child of our Heavenly Father! <3
  • We took a looong bus ride to Arequipa for a two hour conference with Elder Godoy. He talked a lot about the Arequipa temple that is being built here (the cornerstone ceremony is 4 of March!!!!!!) It was so inspiring to be with the WHOLE mission and to be reminded that we are here for a reason. To prepare the people to make covenants in the temple and to help them make covenants for their famiy that has already passed away. I feel so lucky to be serving here in such an exciting time!! The temple is the best.
  • I completed 8 months in the mission on Tuesday and I dont even feel like I have been here for 2 months. So crazy
  • My 20th birthday was made special thanks to an awesome package from my family, a yummy lunch of rice and chicken (surprise) and vegetables!!! from mama Hilda and a fun companion who kept telling me "it's your birthday!!!" all day long. I feel so loved by the people here. They keep me very very well fed and happy with their humor, warmth and beautiful Peruvian culture. I missed my family on my bday but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now.
I love you all so much and I am so grateful for your examples and kind words. Love!!

Hermana Christensen

photos: happy 8 months to me!, Hermana Gould's boyfriend sent her a package and included a necklace for me (on the bus ride to the conference), a bag of taco bell sauce from the birthday package!(just what I have always wanted), turning 20!, Cake smashing is a thing here..., Ema and Eduardo made a cake out of pancakes for me. we ate it with some elders before we took a picture and she was really annoyed about that. So cute! and a picture with miguel

Week 36: 8 months and 20 years

Tomorrow I will complete 8 months in the mission and on Saturday I will be an old 20 year old and I would just like to know, where is the time going?? I am emailing a little later today because today for Pday, we went to some ruins about 40 minutes from our area. We went as a district and it was fun! We walked a lot in the hot and dusty and sunny roads and there really werent any ruins...but! we did have a spiritual testimony meeting with a great view of the beautiful desert that is Tacna. I love the people of Peru but I also love that while I get to preach the gospel to the Peruvians, I also get to work alongside so many wonderful sisters and elders. It is so interesting how all of the different missionaries have such diverse backgrounds and stories. Some are converts, some are long time members, some were inactive, some have a lot of support from home, some dont. But the important thing, is that we all set aside our interests and studies and careers and families to come and preach the word of God. To invite others to come unto Christ. I hope that everyday, I can focus my life on JesusChrist and try to follow His example with more exactness everyday. I love being a missionary and I love working with Hermana Gould. She is such a gem! Love you all and thank you for the birthday wishes!

photos: Us in a taxi, Happy Valentines day, Family!!!, artsy pic of me falling/walking down the hanging bridge, so windy!!, best friends and companions!!

Week 35: Farewell to Hermana Diamond; 123891 lbs. of rice

So, Hermana Diamond got transfered this week to be with Hermana Goulds old companion. So now, it just me and my hija, Hermana Gould. I feel a little stressed because I have no idea what I am doing but luckily she is really calm. This week was kind of crazy with the change but it was still a good week. We are teaching this guy named Miguel. He is in his 80's and hard of hearing. Also, he cannot speak very well. We have to teach him by writing with a thick black marker on white paper. This week we taught him how to pray. His wife doesnt talk and we arent sure if shes hears and understands either. All day long she lies in bed and switches sides. We asked him about his wife. He looked up and said with so much strength "Tantos aƱos!" (so many years) He helps her switch sides all day and keeps her company even though they cant communicate too well. It was such a tender moment. To see how much he loves her. Even though Miguel might not understand everything, and even though teaching him is a slow process, I know that he is a child of our Heavenly Father and that God wants all of His children to live with him again. 

I find, as a missionary that I spend a lot more time with older people. We took Jesus (93) and Maria Lupa (86?) to church on Sunday. They dont have wheelchairs but need help getting in and out of a taxi. We were all squished in with them and there was this Bryan Adams song playing and Maria thought she left the stove on and made the taxi driver go back and it was such a funny and sweet moment. I wish you could all come here and meet these people!!! I wish you could eat 123891 lbs. of rice with me and talk to the stray dogs and walk up and down the dusty streets with me. I feel so blessed to have these beautiful experiences. Thank you all for all the emails and prayers you send my way. Love you all!!!


my camera broke so I borrowed this from my compie. Milkshakes!! without milk. They are ice based hahaha

Week 34: Welcome Sister Gould

So, on Wednesday night President Johnson called us and told us that we might have emergency transfers because there was a companionship that was struggling. Then on Thursday, we were told to go pick up OUR DAUGHTER!!!! from the bus terminal. I guess it just wasnt a good situation. Her name is Hermana Gould and she is just the cutest little peach. She is brand spankin new to the mission and Hermana Diamond and I are thrilled to be training her. I feel like I just got the mission yesterday but then I see how bright eyed and energetic she is and I remember my back hurts because I have almost 8 months in the mission haha. 

We had stake conference this week and that was great. We also went to re-contact some people to try and find new investigators. We felt prompted to back and knock on this yellow house. Before, we had contacted a woman named Ana there. A young woman opened the door and we asked if Ana was there. She said no but then I asked if we could just share a small scripture with her. She opened her door wider (EEEEEE!!!!) and said "pasen" We went in and taught her all of the Restoration. She is more golden than a sunset. She said that her boyfriend always see us walking around and says "we should hear what they have to say" She also has a little daughter and said that she wants her daughter to know about Gospel things (thank goodness, primary). Heavenly Father thinks of everything. There really are people who are ready to listen to us, sometimes we just have to look a little harder to find them.

On Sunday, we accidentally committed to eating lunch with two different sisters. They both prepared lots and lots of yummy food. We tried to cancel on one of them but it was too late and she didnt answer to we had to go to both lunches. I am so proud of our "daughter" she even ate the jello like a champ. Sometimes funny and painful things happen like that in the mission. I love being a missionary!!!! Love you all so much.

xoxo Hermana Christensen

(no pictures this week because I think my camera is broken or has a virus or something. I will keep you updated)