Sunday, April 23, 2017

Week 43: Getting to know Camanà

Hey ya´ll! Camanà is sooo beautiful. This week we worked super hard and walked a ton. One thing that I love about the mission is how many interesting people I get to meet. We met Rolando who is 100 years old and for his work traveled around Perù taking the sap out of trees to sell to big companies. We met Ismael who is 70 years old but super ripped and who is an extremely quotable person. We taught Estela who has dirt floors but her house is the cleanest I´ve seen here. She can`t read but she feels the Holy Ghost. We met Alduvina who rented rooms to the missionaries for years. She is now a widow and lives alone. 
 But the best person is the one that we talk about every day. I meet all of these people because I am talking to them about one person. Jesus Christ. Because of Him, I am in the wonderful country of Perù. Because of Him I have the opportunity to repent and constantly improve. Because of Him I can live with my family forever. Beacause of Him, I don´t need to feel alone or misunderstood. Because of Him, I feel an indescrieable peace and love in my heart. 

photos- a cheesy pic of me hugging the sky ( I have to wear my hair up all the time because lice is super common here), my companion Hermana Ahumada and the beautiful scenery

Week 42: Camanà-bound

Well, I got transfered. I am now on the coast of Perù in a town called "Camanà". It was a very teary goodbye to the people and places that I know so well in Tacna. I had almost 6 months there! One of my favorite memories from Sunday night was when I said goodbye to Edwarth. (He got baptized while I was there with Hermana Diamond) He was my only baptism in Grau, Tacna. He is 23 and kind of a punk but with a big heart.  We all sat down on a park bench and he started crying and told me how grateful he was for all that I taught him. He is planning on going on a mission next year. Of course, it totally made me start crying but in a nice way. Then he said a prayer and we shook hands and he walked away and Hermama Gould and I walked away. I will probably never see him again but I told him he has to keep the commandments so that we can hang out in heaven haha. I have made so many unlikely friends in my mission so far and I am excited to meet even more here in Camanà. My new companion is Hermana Ahumada. She is from Chile and we got to the mission at the same time. She was also in Tacna for a while. I will send more pictures of her next week 

pic- these are adorable kids that I took a pic of when we went on divisions with the hermanas from conosur, and Jackeline!!! My bff/investigator

love, Hermana Christensen

Week 41: Conference

April 2 2017 (Sunday Night) 

******I just re-read my patriarchal blessing. I feel so full of joy and gratitude. It seems that the words of conference this weekend echoed in my mind as I read through my blessing. I feel a strong desire to go to the temple. I think before my mission, I didn't fully understand the beauty and sacredness of making covenants. The beautiful repetition that comprise temple ordinances. I feel a yearning to work on family history and help my family and many others recieve the ordinances they need. I don't know why I feel this so strongly but I feel like I should write it down so that I don't forget it. After the mission I want to go to the temple at least once a week. ...
*(one of my questions from general conference) "How can I better serve those around me?"
(from my patriarchal blesssing) "follow His (Jesus') example in your service to others." 

so, I should follow His example in charity, love and gentleness as I serve those around me. 

Also, I miss singing hymns in English. I want to praise my Heavenly Father with music and singing and prayer. My heart it so full! .*****

All of the text in stars is straight from my journal entry last night. I love that you both wrote to me about conference and temples. I wrote to my mission President today almost exactly what dad wrote me. That we are preparing others to make covenants in the temple. I LOVED the talk from Yoon Hwan Choi. I felt the Spirit so strongly the whole time he was talking. I think our family has been blessed to be very close to people within the asian culture. I also think that Eloise is going to serve somewhere in Asia. Don't know why I got that prompting. Also, From Joy D. Jones. "Give them something great to imitate" I want to express how full my heart is of gratitude because mom and dad, you have given me something great to imitate. Although my imitation skills aren't always 100%, I am learning. Thank you for being unfailing and stalwart examples of goodness, obedience and sacrifice for me. I love you. I love how eternal our family is and I can't wait to model my own future family after ours. CHRISTENSEN POWER!!! I love you both. 
Hermana Maddie Ruth


chocolate cake!! I promise I will send a group email next week!!! 

It is a dog named "gringa" (white girl) and me eating a ratchet peanut butter and jelly sandwich on a grahm cracker. SO GOOD. 

Sister Madeline Christensen