Monday, August 29, 2016

Week 10: Emergency Brake

Hello all,

This week was super fun and awesome. I feel like the time is flying by!!! I already have two months away from the USA and my family. There is a lot of exciting stuff happening. First, there was another earthquake (a baby one, I think its called a replica) at 5 in the morning and Juan Gabriel passed away. I didn't know who he was but know I do because everyone and their mom has been playing Juan Gabriel as loud as they can. And because the houses aren't totally enclosed, you can hear everything. SUPER FUN. 

I have seen (you can guess it) lots of miracles this week. One experience that I want to share happened on Sunday night. We had gone back to the room to grab something really quick. I always have my camera with me and Hermana Albornoz told me to leave it and my wallet. She left her valuables too. I thought it was because there were a bunch of drunks out that night (some celebration) but she just had a feeling. We left and went to see Adriana. We were talking to Adriana (our investigator who has a baptismal date for the 24th) at her window. We were super absorbed in the conversation when all of a sudden, Hermana Albornoz grabbed my arm and yanked me away. 2 seconds later, a car crashed into Adriana´s house. I think the owner forgot to put the break on and it had rolled backwards from up the hill. Basically, the Lord protects us and the Holy Ghost is super real. I am so grateful that Hermana Albornoz had the prompting to look over her shoulder when she did. She literally saved my life. It was pretty scary but I am all good. And my testimony is stronger than ever.

Exciting things
1. ON Saturday, there was a Stake activity. All of the wards presented a typical dance of Arequipa. I pretty much teared up because I just feel such a strong love for the people here and I am so grateful the Lord sent me here. (Also, Dolphin Show vibes-Eloise)
2. On Wednesday, we are going to help Fiorella (friend of Adriana 13yrs old) paint her bedroom!!! I am super excited. I love doing service and I am weirdly happy to be able to paint a room. 
3. Today I am making Alfajores with Hermana Albornoz. Don´t be jealous. 
4. I love this place. I love this Gospel. I am beyond happy to wake up every morning and work. 

Maria Perez, who is getting married soon, Angelito, our ward mission leader who got released on Sunday (TEARS) he is the best ever.
Also, I forgot to send the pictures of Eudiz and Domingo last week. Aren't they adorable?

Sister Madeline Christensen

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Week 9: Miracles and Lessons

Well, I just typed out my whole email and accidentally deleted it. Cool. I promise the first draft was way cooler

Miracles I have seen and truths I have learned this week :

1. the week before this last week, we only had 14 lessons. Our district leader challenged us to have 30 this past week and we did. It is amazing to see how much the Lord blesses us when we give our all
2. Eudiz and Domingo are an older couple that were less active for a while but are now preparing to attend the temple in September. Hermano Domingo is super deaf and a huge flirt and in our last lesson he stood up and sang us some old songs. HIs wife, Hermana Eudiz is always talks over Domingo and gives us fresh fruit after each lesson. They are so old and grumpy and in love. I am so happy that I get to know them. I am so grateful for the blessings of the temple and for the chance that we have to live with our families again if we are faithful. 

3. An apostle of the Lord came to talk to all the missionaries on Saturday. Elder Renlund is a great speaker and when he walked into the room, we all stood up and the spirit was so strong. He talked a lot about faith (which is something I have been studying a lot in my personal study). I have like 6 pages of notes but I cant replicate the Spirit that I felt there in my email. 
4. My companion got some sad news on Sunday about the death of her cousin (who is her same age). It was really hard to see "mi mama" get such sad news. But her testimony is so strong. She cried it out, sat down, and wrote a letter to the family of her cousin ( who are not members) and shared her testimony about the plan of salvation. Then, we went out and taught 6 lessons. The plan of salvation is real. Families are forever and Heavenly Father knows and loves all of his children. 

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together"- African proverb shared by Sister Renlund. 

I am grateful for my family, for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Week 8: Milagro Chips and Salsa | Orange you glad to be in Peru?

Hey ya´ll. I am craving Mexican food like you wouldn´t believe. Peruvian food is super yummy but I havent spotted a burrito or taco anywhere in the land. 

Speaking of Milagro brand chips, Ive seen my own brand of miracles here. This week was pretty slow and Friday was...a dud. But not the yummy kind like milk duds. It was pretty discouraging and we prayed extra hard Friday night. TA-DA, Saturday. 

It started off with one of our investigators yelling at us about the Word of Wisdom. She was waving a shot glass around and screaming that you could not get drunk from that much wine. The Spirit flew straight out the window. When we finally got a chance to bear our testimony, her dogs stopped barking, she stopped yelling and it was crazy. I don´t think my testimony of the word of wisdom had ever been strengthened or tested in that way. 

After our traumatic lesson, we decided we needed some chocolate (obviously). We stopped by a store that is owned by the Bishop´s father. He was talking to a lady and her five year old daughter. He gave us the "contact this lady, i´ve already talked to her about the Gospel eyes" so we asked if we could visit her and teach her.. She agreed. MIRACLES. 

Later that night we got teach our golden investigator, Miguel. He understands everything and we taught him the whole plan of salvation (which is a pretty long lesson already) but afterwards he asked about apostles and church organization and it was just really great. 

On Sunday, we didn´t have anything to eat except some cereal (weird turn of events, usually I'm fine don´t worry mom). My companion told me about a promise that a missionary will never go hungry. Right when she was telling me this, Mamita asked us if we had somewhere to eat lunch. We said no and she fed us a delicious lunch. MIRACLES. Later that night we headed back to the room early (Day of Arequipa and there are lots of drunks so, safety first) and the mom of Hermana Teresa (from whom we rent our room) asked us if we had eaten. She owns a bakery and fed us a delicious meal. MIRACLES. 

We saw not once, but twice in one day the miracle and promise of the Lord looking out for his missionaries. I know that Heavenly Father is looking out for me and I am super grateful for people that listen to the Spirit because they are always an answer to our prayers. I love and miss you all and congrats to Evie!!! My first marriage that I will miss out on. Love you and thanks for all the emails.

p.s. Hermana Albornoz and I had some time after lunch on Saturday and we drew hideous orange faces. Super fun 


Sister Madeline Christensen

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Week 7: Hermana Albornoz

I never know what to write and today is no exception. Tomorrow is one week in beautiful Arequipa, Perù. I miss the trees of Georgia but the sun setting over 3 volcanoes makes it worth it. Plus the cacti reach amazing heights here. I love it here so much!!! My shoes have never been dustier and i´ve never been chased by so many stray dogs but I wouldnt want to be anywhere else. 
I love my trainer/companion. Her name is Hermana Albornoz and he hails from the country of Chile. She also loves thrift shopping (Canchinas=thrift stores) and we are going today. She is a great singer and knows all the Disney Princess songs (in Spanish obvs) so I can broaden my arsenal-Sorry mom and dad. (youre welcome, sisters). 

The members of the Cèsar Vallejo ward are few but GOLDEN. They are so generous and gracious and sparkly. I´ve already asked for cooking lessons (s/o to SJCC) and I have a feeling that the rice will even out with how much we walk everyday. 

Everyday, the fact that i´m tall, white and awkward is reaffirmed. I don´t think that i´ve been stared at this much in my life. It´s been a solid week since i´ve seen a fellow mayonnaise. Being in an unfamiliar place is very humbling. I can understand almost everything and everyone but my speaking skills are still lacking. During lessons I can say one or two sentences about a topic and most of the time, my companion has to expound further. All the investigators love to call on me to say the pray. Luckily I think I have that down-thank you CCM. Joke´s on them haha. I still make lots of mistakes. Today I accidentally said that my dad is 412. WHOOPS.

Everyone that i´ve talked to here believes in God. I should start a tally of how many times people say " Soy Catolica" Haha its great. But you can tell this is a God fearing people. Anyways, just wanted to let you lnow that all is well, I´m working hard, and I am so grateful for this Gospel and for the light that it brings to people. 
Love you all

Hermana Christensen

p.s. we got a pensionista for breakfast and we usually just eat some fruit or something for dinner so I don´t need a stove. Thanks for the advice though! Lomo saltado is better than any smoothie I could make. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Week 6: Arrival in Arequipa

Hey everyone,

I am writing to you from an internet cafe in Peru. It is super sketch just like everything here. All my attempts to be ratchet at the taco bell have culminated into my apartment shower that is just a shower head in the bathroom. Make sure you close the door and take the toilet paper out before you start or everything will get wet. I love it so much. I arrived yesterday (the 2nd) in Arequipa. It is just like Utah except more tin roofs. My cornflake boogers are sure to impress. My trainer is me except beautiful and Chilean. We both want to be teachers and love the arts and indie music. GR8. Most importantly, I am wearing sunscreen but I still might look like a raisin by the time my mission is up. We taught a lesson to a guy named Miguel last night. He is GOLDEN. It was his second or third lesson and we set a baptismal date for August 20th so I will keep you updated. After our lesson, he went out to the basketball court with the members and started learning how to do this traditional Peruvian dance. SO COOL. I wish I could learn but since I'm essentially a nun, there will be no such thing. Miguel was very impressed with my Spanish (I don't know why) and I got to teach him about the gift of tongues. We have three lessons tonight and visits planned for every other part of the day. I know its winter here but I think I'm already sweating. I am safe. My apartment has like 4 locked doors on it (just like everything else here) I look both ways before I cross the street and our taxi driver was definitely in NASCAR. Apparently I only have an hour to email (including my mission president letter) so I cant make any promises on how great my responses will be. I do read all your emails and take pictures of them when I need a boost. I have a "pensionista" (retired woman?) that makes us lunch and we are in charge of making breakfast and dinner but we do not have a stove. we only eat with members on Sundays. I ate a balanced breakfast with a weird coffee substitute that tasted like a crayon kind of. I am so in love with this place. My companion is amazing and super obedient and an answer to my prayers. Anytime something is hard or I start to get a bad attitude, I just think about you all and that cheers me right up. I hid my money and I always hold on to my bag so no on will steal it. The Lord is blessing me. 

Hermana Christensen